Written by Richard Sprott, Research Director

April 2023

This is a research project to investigate the area of long term power dynamic (Power Exchange or Authority Transfer) relationships. We are conducting a descriptive-exploratory study to contribute to a better understanding of these relationships. The results of the study aims to expand scientific knowledge and create best practices for interactions between ATR participants and their healthcare providers. 

We launched  on February 15, 2023 and we plan on conducting 12 in-depth experiential phenomenological interviews and accompanying questionnaires.  We will be using a method called Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA).  This method will guide participants and researchers to do a deep dive into the experience of Dominance and submission in the content of long-term relationships.

This link will take you to a questionnaire that will see if you are eligible to enroll in this study.  


Please note:  we keep the strictest confidentiality and privacy in our research, but for this study we will need to ask for legal names in addition to names that you use in the community.  This allows us to coordinate interviews and surveys and track people over the course of the study.  We recognize that this might make some people more reluctant, but we hope you will consider trusting us with your stories and experience.  If you have any questions about this eligibility form, you may contact the principal investigator Richard Sprott ([email protected] or [email protected] or 510-919-4488).