What is the IKHS?
The International Kink Health Study (IKHS) is a research project about the physical and mental health, childhood experiences, sexuality and healthcare of those around the world with recurring fantasies and practices that involve kink/BDSM/leather and fetish.
For questions or press inquiries please contact us at [email protected].
We have closed enrollment in this study. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]
The Study’s purpose:
- The IKHS will document the prevalence of injuries and medical complications arising from kink activities
- Examine the health status of kink-involved people and document how healthcare is utilized by kink-involved people
- Investigate how connections to kink communities affect people’s health and well-being
Your participation in the study will help us to…
- Understand the health benefits and risks of your kink interests and involvement.
- Better understand the how the stress of being a stigmatized and often misunderstood sexual minority impacts your mental and physical health.
- Improve your health care by training therapists and medical care professionals in how to provide more informed and compassionate care to you.
- Support other kink health research that supports a better life for you.
How does the IKHS work?
- Step 1: Complete a very brief online eligibility questionnaire. We will contact you regarding your eligibility within 48 hours.
- Step 2: If eligible, you will receive a link where you’ll read about your study rights and protections.
- Step 3: After that, we’ll send you the links to the study surveys to be completed at your leisure.
- At this point you will have completed the first part of the International Kink Health Study.
- With your consent, we will be in contact with you periodically over the years to invite you to participate in more research.
Ways to support the International Kink Health Study:
The History of the Kink Health Study
TASHRA – The Alternative Sexualities Health Research Alliance, has been chronicling the health and healthcare experiences of kink-identified people since 2012. In 2014, their first pilot research, called the Kink Health Project produced preliminary information on the healthcare experiences of kink identified individuals in the San Francisco Bay Area. Building on this, the 2016 Kink Health Survey (KHS) was the first of its kind to produce comprehensive information on the health of over 1000 kink identified individuals from throughout the United States. Preliminary surveys like these are conducted to point out areas where more comprehensive study is needed.
As a result, TASHRA has developed this second kink health study, which extends the survey to an international audience. This has become the 2021 International Kink Health Study (IKHS). As a study, it aims to follow and measure the medical and mental health of interested kink individuals over numerous years. We hope to significantly inform appropriate health care delivery and to break down misperceptions that the medical and mental health communities have of Kinky individuals. Through our studies, we are seeking to advocate for Kinky folks to receive culturally competent and comprehensive care.
TASHRA is a 501c3 non-profit with the mission of improving the health and healthcare service experiences of individuals who are involved in alternative sexualities. TASHRA leading kink researchers, Dr. Richard Sprott and Dr. Anna Randall, have built a diverse multi-disciplinary team encompassing various fields of healthcare including: kink health researchers, physicians and other physical healthcare providers, psychotherapists, social workers, graduate students and interns.
Our Study Sponsors

The Freeman and Tides Foundations have awarded TASHRA a generous two year grant to support the costs of the International Kink Health Study. They have offered to match your donations.
How we are using these funds: Marketing, Technology infrastructure, and Statistical Analysis Software (Ex. SPSS)